[-N-L-] DutchWarriors

Dutch/English speaking alliance


Hi there Commander,

Your visit means you have interest in what we do. Smart move.
Dutch Warrior has its origins in European biggest delta. However our native language is still widely spoken in the clan, English is mandatory when called upon in any situation.

As commander of this clan I like to invite English speaking commanders. Various tasks lie open to be filled in. Squirmishes and Stronghols is our current goal.

Be loyal and willing to help.
Be a team player.
Be helpful to those with questions.
Be aware that being a clan is in it's members and the way we act as one.

The Team Is The Leader.
But please apply with VI


Our website on wordpress..

To apply to our clan, please read our clan rules.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 3

Ø Battles19366
Ø WN8898,81
Ø WinRate47,63%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate