[C_V] Crni vitezovi

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Klan otvoren za regrutaciju.
- WN8 2000+
- Recent 2600+
- Win Rate 54%
- Min. 5 korisna tenka za CW
- Aktivnost u skirmish-u / advane i CW !!
- Kulturna i opustena komunikacija bez tenzija :)


Uslovi za Reroll
- WN8 2600+
- Win Rate 55%

Ako ispunjavate uslove i zelite da se pridruzite kontaktirajte:
- Dvogrba_KamilaT
- Barabanche
- Maestro_N
- R_N_G_Is_On_My_Side
- Dvogrba_KamilaT
- DuCi06
- P1t3R_No1
- NeedToDoEverythingAlone

- Busteri se pustaju redovno po sloganom sto vise to bolje.
- Dobrodosli su svi.
- Svako nepostovanje igraca na bilo kom osnovu bice strogo sankcionisano.
- Za komunikaciju koristimo Discord. Za link pitati nekoga iz komande :)

Clan statistics

Number of members: 96

Ø Battles38943
Ø WN81961,37
Ø WinRate54,05%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
Grmeclija1Joined03/01/2025, 11:05 PM UTC
ShiratorLeft 03/01/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
Van_der_FitterJoined03/01/2025, 08:58 PM UTC
MiloskriJoined03/01/2025, 08:22 PM UTC
frki1985Joined03/01/2025, 03:57 PM UTC
Pepp3rLeft 03/01/2025, 09:06 AM UTC
DupeDebeloLeft 03/01/2025, 02:20 AM UTC
general_goxLeft 03/01/2025, 02:19 AM UTC
KarloKarlek2Left 03/01/2025, 02:15 AM UTC
luka_adzic_gunnerLeft 02/28/2025, 11:49 PM UTC
NikolicJeKeva_30Left 02/28/2025, 11:40 PM UTC
marshal1999Left 02/28/2025, 11:25 PM UTC
NedaWoTLeft 02/28/2025, 11:20 PM UTC
mandzulaJoined02/28/2025, 11:03 PM UTC
IV3K_MFJoined02/28/2025, 10:33 PM UTC
_Bo66y_Joined02/28/2025, 10:27 PM UTC
MAD3RFAKERJoined02/28/2025, 10:27 PM UTC
vukasin_srbJoined02/28/2025, 10:13 PM UTC
Vaso_BakocevicJoined02/27/2025, 10:39 PM UTC
Stanarevic97Joined02/26/2025, 09:26 PM UTC
VampirCROLeft 02/26/2025, 05:30 AM UTC
Miskec_SRB99Left 02/24/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
kap_6511Joined02/23/2025, 10:45 PM UTC
_rrolla007_Left 02/23/2025, 05:49 PM UTC
JohnnyB007Left 02/21/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
srec984Left 02/20/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Luksi_69Joined02/20/2025, 08:18 PM UTC
SpitzenGuzenJoined02/20/2025, 08:14 PM UTC
serbianFox023Joined02/20/2025, 02:06 PM UTC
NsieGamingJoined02/19/2025, 08:56 PM UTC
_Mrmot_U_Patofnama_Joined02/17/2025, 12:53 PM UTC
Harry_The_SpotterLeft 02/17/2025, 02:29 AM UTC
BluePlayer97Left 02/16/2025, 09:08 AM UTC
Babuka_Left 02/16/2025, 06:15 AM UTC
nessa974Left 02/15/2025, 11:34 PM UTC
k_u_r_w_a_BoberLeft 02/13/2025, 05:42 PM UTC
_rrolla007_Joined02/12/2025, 10:34 AM UTC
Pero_Supljika30Joined02/11/2025, 05:32 AM UTC
Stefix00Left 02/09/2025, 08:25 PM UTC
MIHAEL_587Left 02/09/2025, 06:15 AM UTC
_BeNzYLeft 02/08/2025, 09:08 PM UTC
Call911_nowJoined02/07/2025, 11:03 PM UTC
Call_Me_JaLa_BrAtJoined02/06/2025, 05:55 PM UTC
Hoolygan31Left 02/06/2025, 05:36 PM UTC
Godza1997Left 02/05/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
No1_RNG_Player_Joined01/31/2025, 05:14 PM UTC