[Q7] The Quantum 7

HE always does damage?


[Q7] Is an English speaking clan connecting individual skill with teamwork in SH and CW.
We are looking for people that can handle an aggressive playstyle.
We are looking for capable FCs and true team players desiring competition in CW/SH.

Average Wn8 on Tier X's: Above 1900
For Rerolls above 2350

At least 2 useful tier 8 and 10 tanks (M41 41 90, IS-3, OBJ 252U, Emil I, WZ 132, Lorr. 40 t, BC-25t, AMX 50B, T57, T92, CGC, OBJ 261, OBJ 140 or 907, SuperConq, WZ 5A, 113, T-100 LT, IS-7, Kragn)

Clan statistics

Number of members: 1

Ø Battles0
Ø WN80,00
Ø WinRate0,00%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate