[RTLB] Rat Lab

Researching Perfection, Seeking Excellence.


Work In Progress.
En construcción

ENG We are a recently founded clan. We are looking forward to recruit all kinds of players to broaden the horizons of this "Laboratory". For now, we are only focusing on helping our members to progress in the game with clan boosters (XP, Credits and Free XP).

ESP Somos un clan recientemente creado. Ansiamos reclutar todo tipo de jugadores para ampliar los horizontes de este pequeño "Laboratorio". Por ahora, nos estamos centrando en ayudar a progresar a nuestros miembros a través de boosters del clan (XP, Créditos y Experiencia Libre).

Join us! Discord is not compulsory! :)

Clan statistics

Number of members: 57

Ø Battles6263
Ø WN8834,07
Ø WinRate47,73%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate