[RXO] Relaxo

Fühle Dich gut, hab Spaß und beleidige keine Clanmitglieder


Irgendwelche Regeln gibt es bei uns nicht, keine festen Spielzeiten, keine vorgeschriebenen Panzer, keine TS Pflicht ( TS Server ist jedoch vorhanden ). Wir sind eine ruhige, nette und entspannte Gruppe. Freizeitspaß und vernünftiger Umgangston sind uns wichtig. Wir fahren zusammen Zug und die Erfüllung der täglichen Clanaufgabe des Militärdienstes ist erwünscht. Priorität hat der Ausbau unserer Kommandozentrale.
Magst Du es Dir mal anschauen? Dann bist Du herzlich eingeladen!

We don't have any rules, no fixed playing times, no prescribed tanks, no TS requirement (however, the TS server is available). We are a quiet, nice and relaxed group. Leisure fun and sensible manners are important to us. We ride Platoon together and fulfilling the daily clan task of military service is desired. The priority is to expand our command center. Would you like to take a look at it? Then you are invited!

Clan statistics

Number of members: 93

Ø Battles11340
Ø WN81563,68
Ø WinRate51,94%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
ExPypokLeft 03/27/2025, 06:01 PM UTC
Leo416Joined03/25/2025, 02:59 PM UTC
JasonBorn22Joined03/25/2025, 02:59 PM UTC
ExPypokJoined03/24/2025, 09:36 PM UTC
X___BadBoyJoined03/24/2025, 09:09 AM UTC
AcidOceanLeft 03/23/2025, 08:17 AM UTC
Eisenregen_81Joined03/22/2025, 05:56 PM UTC
MendriuJoined03/21/2025, 09:40 PM UTC
Tanks2413Left 03/21/2025, 09:06 AM UTC
nimble_Sunwallker_512Left 03/21/2025, 09:06 AM UTC
Roma_BondLeft 03/21/2025, 09:06 AM UTC
AjajajajajajLeft 03/21/2025, 09:06 AM UTC
RvD_RayLeft 03/21/2025, 09:06 AM UTC
I_NomeR_ILeft 03/21/2025, 02:30 AM UTC
anzyblowsmokeLeft 03/21/2025, 02:25 AM UTC
MAN_373Left 03/21/2025, 02:25 AM UTC
BENGAN_OHLSSONJoined03/19/2025, 01:29 PM UTC
Aggressive_HabitsJoined03/19/2025, 01:12 PM UTC
lookslikeiwdJoined03/13/2025, 06:10 PM UTC
HereisBorissJoined03/13/2025, 06:10 PM UTC
EResultJoined03/13/2025, 06:10 PM UTC
brianc94Joined03/12/2025, 10:13 PM UTC
Dimitri050Joined03/12/2025, 10:04 PM UTC
KnieKeilJoined03/12/2025, 08:50 PM UTC
DetoxeruJoined03/11/2025, 06:32 PM UTC
Monkeyking2024Joined03/11/2025, 07:08 AM UTC
L1me4ikJoined03/10/2025, 07:05 PM UTC
peledziukasLeft 03/07/2025, 05:25 PM UTC
torin38Left 03/04/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
salo85Left 03/04/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
KpaIIaJIuKLeft 03/04/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
_Bismarck_87Joined03/03/2025, 08:34 PM UTC
Eiswuerfel66Joined03/02/2025, 08:53 AM UTC
Screedo_invaderLeft 03/01/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
UbnexxLeft 03/01/2025, 05:39 PM UTC
Screedo_invaderJoined02/28/2025, 05:37 PM UTC