[RYNO] do you face it !!!

Keep moving forward, that's how winning is done !


__________________________________________Recrutamento aberto___________________________________________

Recrutamento: WARGASMOS ; Tekar

Requisitos de recrutamento:
- +1200 WN8 geral
- Ter no min. 5000 batalhas;
- Ter pelo menos 3 tanques tier VIII e 3 tanques tier X para CW ( totalmente equipados e com boas tripulações);
- Ser ativo e participativo nas atividades dinamizadas pelo clã;
- É obrigatório o uso do TS3 em actividades do clan

Diplomacy and Global Map: WARGASMOS and Confusious

Clan statistics

Number of members: 92

Ø Battles39150
Ø WN81427,57
Ø WinRate50,61%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
rubenwre97Joined03/23/2025, 07:13 PM UTC
Gunslinger_4_everJoined03/23/2025, 08:10 AM UTC
CrazieLeft 03/19/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
dswatJoined03/17/2025, 06:21 PM UTC
tekamanJoined03/16/2025, 10:30 PM UTC
KillerBoot12Left 03/15/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Dom_killer69Joined03/15/2025, 09:00 PM UTC
Chapps60Joined03/11/2025, 09:03 PM UTC
CHILWARRIORJoined03/11/2025, 05:34 PM UTC
MagrinhoLeft 03/11/2025, 02:20 AM UTC
caancovaJoined03/10/2025, 08:51 PM UTC
nuno_crzJoined03/10/2025, 08:40 PM UTC
zamot1973_ironJoined03/10/2025, 08:40 PM UTC
WarArkangelJoined03/10/2025, 08:40 PM UTC
_Iron_SkullJoined03/10/2025, 08:40 PM UTC
___Ferro___Joined03/10/2025, 08:39 PM UTC
HP80Joined03/10/2025, 06:37 PM UTC
dad3_2013Left 03/10/2025, 09:07 AM UTC
DearreconJoined03/09/2025, 11:10 PM UTC
gomes12Joined03/09/2025, 11:10 PM UTC
babaneJoined03/09/2025, 10:29 PM UTC
Dedo_El_DiabloLeft 03/09/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
ConfusiousLeft 03/09/2025, 08:19 PM UTC
Trek_2014Left 03/09/2025, 05:33 PM UTC
GamevitoryJoined03/09/2025, 03:16 PM UTC
fastkills2Left 03/09/2025, 08:21 AM UTC
Roberto_TugaLeft 03/09/2025, 05:46 AM UTC
ElogroLeft 03/07/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Panzer_KritzLeft 03/07/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
1nmat3Joined03/07/2025, 02:59 PM UTC
xina13Left 03/06/2025, 11:28 PM UTC
RektBySarmaLeft 03/06/2025, 05:36 AM UTC
TROOPER_____Left 03/05/2025, 05:32 PM UTC
FriendLeft 03/05/2025, 09:06 AM UTC
luis_x1Left 03/05/2025, 05:23 AM UTC
andreptr2Left 03/04/2025, 08:20 AM UTC
B3st_Tuga_BotLeft 03/04/2025, 12:11 AM UTC
Carlitos_NNLeft 03/03/2025, 11:42 PM UTC
nvtopgunLeft 03/03/2025, 11:32 PM UTC
Pog_ALeft 03/03/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Dedo_El_DiabloJoined02/24/2025, 05:25 PM UTC
rezingaoLeft 02/24/2025, 03:00 AM UTC